


The Challenge: Shifting Brand Perceptions

When Q&E partnered with McLaren’s Lubricants, the Mobil brand, although well-regarded in certain sectors for its high-quality engine oil, faced a perception challenge among the broader Sri Lankan market. The target audience considered Mobil to be a high-end product, unsuitable for the local climate and beyond the needs of the common vehicle types that traverse Sri Lanka’s roads. The brand was seen as a niche player, primarily associated with motor racing and less with everyday use.


Democratizing the Brand

The objective was clear – to transform Mobil into a brand perceived as accessible and fitting for every Sri Lankan vehicle owner. To achieve this, Q&E crafted a multilingual brand narrative that spoke directly to the hearts and minds of the local populace. The content was not only translated into Sinhala and Tamil but also conveyed in a tone that was familiar and welcoming to all. The strategy extended beyond the digital realm, where a strong communication presence was established, into traditional media including print, television, and radio, as well as direct consumer interactions.

Educating and Engaging the Consumer

Q&E didn’t stop at rebranding; it pioneered an educational platform dedicated to motor oil knowledge in Sri Lanka – a first in the market where others focused solely on sales. To personify this initiative, ‘Dr. M’ was introduced – a character created by Q&E to symbolize Mobil’s expertise and commitment to the Sri Lankan market. Dr. M served as the cornerstone of a larger communication strategy, offering advice and building consumer trust. Moreover, a hotline was established, functioning as a mini-educational hub to further engage and enlighten the public about engine oil and vehicle maintenance. Further on, in addition to Dr. M, the brand’s digital platforms were populated with points on auto care and maintenance to establish them as a go-to for educational content.


A Brand Turnaround

The results spoke volumes. Mobil experienced a significant uptick in market share and sales figures. However, the true victory was in the brand’s newfound stature in the public consciousness. Mobil was no longer just a lubricant for the race tracks but had become a trusted, go-to brand for a wide spectrum of Sri Lankan vehicle owners, thanks to the strategic direction provided by Q&E. This innovative approach not only increased Mobil’s profitability but also firmly established its reputation as a brand for every Sri Lankan motorist.

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