

Hybrid Hub - Hybrid Hub

The Challenge: Venturing into Uncharted Territory

Edirisinghe Brothers, with its 70-year legacy, embarked on an ambitious journey to address the burgeoning market of hybrid and electric vehicles at a time when these advanced vehicles were novelties on Sri Lankan roads. The general public was unfamiliar with hybrid technology, and the automotive industry was in dire need of expertise. The knowledge gap was evident: vehicle owners were uncertain about who to trust for the maintenance of their sophisticated vehicles, and skilled technicians in this niche were scarce.


Strategy: Cultivating Trust through Expertise

To bridge this gap, Edirisinghe Brothers took a bold step. They launched Hybrid Hub, a beacon of innovation and trust in hybrid vehicle care. Understanding the vital role of expert knowledge in this field, the company recruited specialists from Singapore to elevate the skills of their local team. This investment into training created a foundation of trust and signalled to the public that Hybrid Hub was a reliable sanctuary for hybrid care.

Our Solution: Building a Brand of Excellence

Q&E’s comprehensive marketing strategy was to position Hybrid Hub not just as a repair center, but as an educational pioneer in the field. From conceptualizing the brand name to crafting its visual identity and digital presence, we encapsulated the essence of trust and expertise in every aspect. A 24/7 hotline and a robust social media strategy were established, turning Hybrid Hub into an informative powerhouse that offered insights, tips, and solutions for hybrid vehicle owners.


Results: Accelerating Beyond Expectations

The result of this meticulously executed plan was a resounding success. Hybrid Hub captured the public’s attention, becoming a highlight in mainstream media at its inception. The trust we built transcended mere branding; it was reflected in the engagement and sales that followed. By the end of its first year, Hybrid Hub’s customer base had doubled the initial projections. Within two years, the demand for their expert services spurred the launch of a second facility. Today, Hybrid Hub is renowned as the premier authority in hybrid vehicle maintenance, embodying the vision and commitment of Edirisinghe Brothers, further amplified by Q&E’s strategic communications.

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