

People’s Leasing & Finance (PLC) - PLC

Showcasing PLC’s Commitment to MSMEs

In 2016, Q&E partnered with People’s Leasing & Finance (PLC), the leading finance firm in Sri Lanka known for its substantial support to Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). With PLC aiding an impressive 72% of SMEs and MSMEs in the country, our task was to bring these remarkable contributions to the forefront. The goal was to use authentic testimonials to highlight PLC’s pivotal role in nurturing small industries and thereby enhance its market share by reinforcing its image as a reliable and trustworthy partner for MSMEs. - PLC
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The Campaign Strategy

We decided to create a campaign that was as genuine and impactful as PLC’s support for these small businesses. The centrepiece of our campaign was a TV commercial and a press advertisement that echoed PLC’s tagline in Sinhalese, focusing on their paramount wish to uphold and grow small businesses. The heart of our campaign was in the real stories of growth and success. We reached out to small-scale dairy farmers, yoghurt makers, and various other industries that had flourished with PLC’s support. These testimonials were not just stories; they were evidence of PLC’s significant role in their journey to success.


Execution and Impact

Our TV commercial showcased a series of vignettes from these small industries, highlighting the tangible impact of PLC’s support. The press ad complemented this narrative, featuring compelling visuals and quotes from business owners who had thrived with PLC’s assistance. This cohesive approach effectively communicated PLC’s dedication to small businesses’ growth and success. This project was a testament to Q&E’s ability to create meaningful and impactful marketing campaigns. Our approach went beyond conventional advertising, touching the lives of real people and showcasing real successes. The “Small Business Growth” campaign for PLC not only highlighted our client’s contributions but also our prowess in crafting campaigns that connect, resonate, and deliver results.

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